Guest Book
(09.08.2015 17:56)Братья моё уважение Вам!
Road of freedom!
Владивосток Sedoy. Garage 309.
Road of freedom!
Владивосток Sedoy. Garage 309.
Glenn Maxfield
(26.07.2015 08:38)I’m glad you all are part of the best MC iN THE WORLD.MLH&R …From South Carolina…USA
(03.07.2015 08:40)Поздравляю СЕРГЕЯ НИКОЛАЕВИЧА с юбилеем! Многая лета вам!
(15.06.2015 08:42)Всех братьев с днём мотоциклиста.
Joshua Sevores
(15.05.2015 08:43)Love and respect to you comrades who represent the colors of red and white! I have been blessed simply to know those few as I do. They do a lot of good for our children and those in need. I love Russia’s people for their tough enduring spirit…
(07.03.2015 08:45)i’m very loyal and for very long time supporter of HELLS ANGELS motorcycle club. This club is simply the best!
(13.02.2015 08:46)Hells Angels Nomads Ca
Sending our Love & Respects to our
Russian Brothers
Sending our Love & Respects to our
Russian Brothers
Riley Olson
(15.01.2015 08:48)Just amazing where can I get support gear from??
Have an amazing winter guys..
Your friend Riley
From Thunder Bay Ontario
Have an amazing winter guys..
Your friend Riley
From Thunder Bay Ontario
Adrian Laschuk
(05.01.2015 08:49)Support 81 All The Way from Oshawa, Ontario Canada (Toronto)
(31.12.2014 08:51)Merry Christmas and happy New Year !!! L&R
official support club 81 world
(25.12.2014 08:52)C nactupauchem novim godom., I wish to all of you happy new year. All the way froim usa
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